
software installed by conda

First, you should find the environment.yml, which cover most of software and dependencies installed by conda. Moreover, you can replace mamba to conda to speed up.

conda env create -f environment.yml

After installing from conda, you can run

conda activate FdR

to active relative environment.

By the way, you can specify the name of environment by editing the first line of environment.yml

software installed by pip

Based from my experience, we suggest you to install nanocompore through pip, just type

pip install nanocompore

software installed through binary file

There’re still three software need to install in binary file.

For f5c, we need to run

bash /f5c/script/ to solve vbz error for fast5

and add PATH followed by the output of script.

After extract, don’t forget to add their PATH to .bashrc, just type vim ~/.bashrc then add following codes

export PATH="location of your software:$PATH"

Type source ~/.bashrc to finish

Finally, for the reason that copyright protection, we can’t supply Guppy directly. Searcher should download Guppy in Nanopore Comm

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